
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

12.12.12 Time Capsule

When I heard Xanthe was inviting folks who had taken her Time Capsule class to document their day on 12.12.12 I was immediately interested.

The top goal on my 40 before 40 list is to document a "day in the life". I have seen versions of this in the past so lovely and inspiring that I knew I wanted to spend a day shooting our "everyday" this year.

Unfortunately 12.12.12 was on a Wednesday (booo) which wasn't what I had envisioned as part of the master plan. Wednesday means school and work and not so much play (although there was evidence of a little play). It's a week day, where life is routine and dare I say not overly exciting. That said, this was opportunity staring me straight in the face, with a community who was going to be doing what I had already set out to do! So while I still plan on shooting the weekend version (picture relaxed waking, big breakfast, hair done, non-work clothes, play, balloons, color, fun and more fun, etc.) this is actually a very true capsule of where we are now. The real us now.

On 12.12.12 you'll find bits and pieces of us at school, at work, at grandma's house for dinner and at home reading before bed.

12.12.12 - a day in the life from Smallroots on Vimeo.

Thank you Xanthe for this push. Thanks also goes to my Mother-in-Law who pointed out after dinner that my son was wearing a numbered 12 shirt (hello clueless mom here. although I think my subconscious knew what it was doing). It was this discovery that led to the fabulous 12.12.12 dance-a-thon. Maybe the best highlight of the day.


  1. Love this! I haven't even looked at what I shot that day...and need to carve out some time this weekend to make it happen. :)

    1. Thanks Sarah! You need to get on it lady! Can't wait to see it =)

  2. love great....and your son sure has some awesome dance moves. :)

    1. Thanks Kristina! That was all him, not prompted by me. He was moved by the spirit of 12.12.12!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Kate. Just saw your video and left a comment. You didn't mention that we used the same song! =)

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Carol. It was fun to work on and I'm glad I documented the day.

  5. So wonderful! ...especially the dancing!

    I'm about 70% done my video and funnily enough, I'm using the same song. Such a good one, right?

    1. Thanks Carmen, can't wait to see your video. Even more funny is that Kate above beat us both to it and used that song as well. It's a 12.12.12 gold mine. =)
