Me as an Object
It's not easy to take a self portrait. You're always going to pick at this or that. What I found that helped me get through this process was to use my self as an object, not so much as me the person, but as an item in a photo. This seemed to help.
Quiet and Alone
During this process I found that I really appreciated the quiet moments I took to complete my assignments. Finding a spot, finding the perfect light and the sound of "click" was a nice retreat.
Moments and Me, NOW, are important.
Lastly I learned how important it is to get the moments NOW. Now is now. I am me right now and this is me. If I wait too long to find the me that I think is THE me then I'm missing the me now (I realize that is a crazy sentence).

There is lots more to say about what I learned from this experience but I'll leave it at the above for now.